Adil Mohammed's Blog since 2009

Let us make the space we share better and bring the change we desire. Author is Indian Muslim, a Public Figure, Social Activist, Blogger and Media Personality. On mission to build a givers world rather than takers.

Living In Unsafe World – Expecting Safety is Crime.

Similes silenced by stroke of dreadful day in Peshawar. The parents orphaned and the world saddened with tears that refuse to get dried and heart that is numbed.

Similes silenced by stroke of dreadful day in Peshawar. The parents orphaned and the world saddened with tears that refuse to get dried and heart that is numbed.

I had an an appointment with Arabian sea on a winter evening on the  ill fated day for Peshwar. I was incidentally in Konkan in Maharashtra on land of pious saints. I wished and prayed for peace like the serenity the place depicts.  But stopped short of expecting the families and world to come to terms with ease. It is shock that is unbearable.

The Arabian sea was quiet was it shocked at the tragedy stuck on innocent school children killing over 142 in a military school in Peshawar, the killers who most shockingly find pride in committing crime unthinkable.

Taliban or the word ironically means students. On a day that is so sad for each one of us we will need ages before we come to terms with the pains of attack in Peshawar and Sydney.

Peace is only hope to keep humanity intact and love has  to prevail over  both  organised and  impulsive hate spheres of terror. World has set blind eyes to solutions and dialogue.  War has made world place of immense disgrace and fear. Armys of most of the  nations are no different from Groups like Taliban or any sponsored un sponsored terror.

Mind you America is a  power and very strategical  the strategist behind globalization of terror due to its over ambitious and ruthless adventure in Middle East always presenting it self as defender of human rights and protection of innocent has been the biggest and most irresponsible force that has devastated over a dozen nations and is directly or indirectly is responsible of killing of over 2 .5 million innocent people has called soft and hard and encouraged terror. Reasons tune from oil, desimating oppositions and control on minds and lands they target on. Religion is has come in to as a causality.

What is shocking is the world even the custodians of faiths of the world and we the people of the world have neglected terror as a out fall of law less mindless radicals among the various sects and ideologies that are identified with terror. Terror is not limited to Islamic terror it is rampant amount the Hindus Christians, Jews and Buddhists but truly it is worst among the out shoots of those who falsely call them selves as Muslims.

History pages are strained with blood strains like in Peshawar, Sydney. The whole of Europe was blood thirsty of one another blood. France Germany British have killed millions of their own people. So it has been with the Middle East and Asia, Russians, Irish and Americans. We Indians are not fortunate lot we have a whole range of history that can show case various sketches of human conflicts World claims it is more civilized to today but the fact is.

The nations in the Islamic world are spine less they have shown only a fall in line policy on terror and effects of unresolved conflicts as the west and the prime violator of all legitimate norms Israel.  The Muslims of the world have taken a soft route, route that ensured the protection of the kingdoms and puppet rulers of most of the Muslim and Arab dominant nations. The prize that the world is paying today is un bearable.

Tit for tat on innocent killings is what has become culture to settle accounts and innocent will remain soft targets if this continues with out introspection. The terror remain even after world biggest armies fighting it with most dangerous* weapons of mass distractions.

Over one lac billion  dollars spent. Gone the drain only to make threat to innocent even more severe. Governments and Army’es were expected to called it a truce and shun wars and put in all out efforts to counter as defense not as offensives. Terrorist are inhuman they deserve no mercy but what have we civilized done. Not any better to save life’s. SHAME ON OUR NATIONS OUR INTERNATIONAL BODIES THAT WERE ENTRUSTED TO MAINTAIN BETTER SAFE LIVING HAVE heavily FAILED.

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